BUAVA 2018 AGM Announced

BUAVA 2018 AGM Announced

 The venue for the AGM is confirmed as the BIDC Building 2, Harbour Industrial Estate. Bridgetown on Feb 24th, 2018 at 17:30. Directions will be posted later. The cutoff date for nominations remains Feb 1, 2018. The entire board is seeking re-election except for the position of Treasurer who has opted to challenge for the Presidency. To this point the nominations received are as follows:

President - incumbent plus 1 nomination
Vice-President - incumbent plus 1 nomination
Treasuer - 1 nomination
Secretary - incumbent only
PRO - incumbent plus 1 nomination

The names of the nominees will be revealed after the cutoff date in order to give the membership enough time to make judgments on how best they will represent our concerns. Each nominee will be given a chance introduce themselves and share their views briefly before the ballot.

Our website https://buava.bb is now active and is facilitating formal registration and payment. In order to vote at the AGM, one has to sign up on the website before the 21st of February and pay the fee to the treasurer by cash, cheque or PayPal BEFORE the start of the meeting. The reason for this cutoff date is to facilitate the preparation of the reports to members.

We are happy to report that representatives from the BUAVA executive met and engaged with key agencies including the Ministry of Defence, CAA, Police, Customs and others. We have also been allowed to view the draft legislation (which cannot be shared electronically just yet) and invited to participate in the ongoing meetings/discussions on these. There are proposals which seriously impact the current way we operate, which as an association we are eager to contribute to.

There is much to discuss on this matter which will be added to the amended agenda for the group to converse on. This amended agenda will be re-published the first week of February.

Please see the BUAVA Facebook Group for further information.